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How to Prepare for an In-Home Caregiver

If you or a loved one decides to bring elder care into your home to assist with many of the activities of daily living, you’ll be entrusting someone with your well-being in the place that is most private, your home. The transition to caregiving may be difficult for you and your family, but there are ways to ease the transition.

Clients and their families have many concerns when starting in-home care. Privacy and disruption of daily routines are the most common. Everyone’s worries are valid and should be taken seriously. Therefore, you should select a home care agency that understands these concerns and helps you address them. Prepare for the transition to living with your caregiver by considering these suggestions:

  • Consider how you want the care team to respect your privacy and what boundaries you want to be applied. 
  • Communicate your rules and expectations to your home care professional before they arrive. Some topics to include are which restroom to use, how they should enter and announce themselves, and any parking instructions.
  • Arrange your supplies and other items your caregiver may need. Make sure that clothes, toiletries, and other supplies are easily accessible. 
  • If possible, keep private areas of your home for yourself and your family.
  • Set up a place where your caregiver can take notes, complete other paperwork, hang up their coats, and store food.
  • Share details about your daily routine, such as when you eat and dress. Also, note if you have regular visitors or deliveries.
  • Make it clear to the caregiver who they should contact to get questions answered when they arise. 

It is natural to be hesitant about home care. It is a new experience that introduces a change where you feel the most secure. You can make this transition a more positive experience by preparing yourself and your home for it beforehand.

A Homemade Plan can help with the preparations for in-home assistance. Click here to contact us to discuss your needs.